BOLD JEZ, the infamous NOVAD anarchivist is launching a massive BIG APPLE intervention, the NYC TOUR SPRING / SUMMER 2013. Art for Humans, Occupational Art School and Good Faith Space (& the vast Novadic network) will be providing support for BOLD's dimensionist enterprises when- and wherever possible. The launch date is May 30, 2013, sites and types of happenings to be determined. The text that follows includes the most recent transmissions from BOLD JEZ:
"Hail to the Ukulele player, Bard of the Modern Era!" -- Jeff Mach (The Geeky Kink Event, The Steampunk World's Fair, Wicked Faire)
"D'uh." -- DIM TIM (Time Criminal)
"YES!!!" -- Katherine Ramos
"Fucking brilliant." -- Paul McLean
- Tomorrow (Thursday, 5-30) only, appearing @ the occupation of Cooper Union, wherever that is
- Saturday (6-1), Good Faith Space & over the weekend at locations TBD in the vicinity of Bushwick Open Studios 2013
[Compilation of Transmissions from BOLD JEZ > 5-30}:
"FREE" BOOKS: a People's Library at the "Good Faith Space" [@STANDARD TOYKRAFT, 722 METROPOLITAN, 3RD FLOOR, GRAHAM AVE. L STOP]
Street distribution of books, to consist of individualz handing out books from the People's Library of the Occupational Art School.
See the Anarchivist(s) at Play! Everything must GrO!
(Academics Beware: You will want to hoard Awl of the Thingz!)
~==CALLing @ll NOVADz==~
Would you like to help me bring some cool & mathy & philosophic & mysterioush & decades-ancient books from Harlem to Bushwick on Thursday &/or help distribute distribute them like people's library-style during Bushwick Open Studios over the coming dayz?!? :DDDD (teh Answer iz obv Y.....E..............S....)
Paul & I will be confirming details with the "good faith space," but text me to let me know if you are interested in helping move some books. Bold Jezzzz: 701-527-1501
P.S. not every idea I have iz GREAT, but thiz one iz GENIEOUZ.
We are founding the NoVadic Library! It is happening. We're taking All streetZ & giving it to the people who c(A)re! We are starting in Bushwick and taking it to the 5 Boroughs.
Let us bring our dead OWS propaganda.
I'm preliminarily denouncing an appearance at Bowling Green for @Recoccupy.
*THX 2x!*
@ Sharon Geeta Singh =4 Donating these decades ancient-tomes U r the Prime Mover for this Epic Heartwarming Saga!
@ Paul McLean aka =4 planting the seeds of this Realizable Project at my fingertips & his continuous votes of confidence. U r node Ø now!
@gmachado if u can tweet to request for spaces out of which we could host our people's library distribution that would like to host a #freebookfair, or just offer us space in which to do people's staged performances of poetry, stand up comedy, and personal life stories See my initial email to find a draft press release.
@Liesbeth Could you take a look at my PR shtuff so far & see
Requesting aid in locating other zones for spontaneous, autonomous creativity.
And It's filled with MYSTERIES! The Anarchives is a #literarymystery, investigating why we would need to do create the Anarchives: an infinite series of objects circulating in the World that are available for common & proper use a.k.a. "the Recovered world." These books are part of now part of our common Novad property that we wish to share with all of the Others.
P.S. #Jez3Prez will be performing.
PJM: jez do you have an estimated book-count for the giveaway?
JEZ: :-):-):-)
P.S. potential NovadPoeisis book club readings???
[Below, please find samples from the proposed Novadic Library.]