I found my voice in a holster
I follow an echo into a river
No mystic venture strips a hull full of holes
This heart is riven by hollow promises
Lost to me.
I moved my people cross a desert
Torments of winter we bore
A dark wind in their fingers, curling and shaken
Roots shearing underground breakin
Lost in the sea.
A cravin not literal but actual hunger
my relatives lingering on the edge of camp,
fearful of a Shade flickerin
by a tipi door flap. You hold my hand,
snakes held @ bay by a fire in a shallow pit,
dug out of the blue clay
with a pick and a spade
I know we
Will find our lost keys in the shallows
or the weeds along a walking path
to a car park.
Teeth rotting in my mouth and foot
Swelling too
a new anguish
With each rising sun. I tell the boy
An eclipse is come,
and a misting of rain will
Wash your sorrows away.
Don’t look fellas,
Don’t look, she ~ no more
can she hear you.
I thought
she would not tarry
by a dock in a gale
Waves as tall as towers
I got a carved stick to beat a hand drum.
I made a good noise like sea lions
en e foyggye fieyelds teh flrrrighten doom
as ‘hey marrcht oos doon.
Scaly bodies are hidden
In the nets of fishers who line the banks
with torches
bangn pots loud, hard w spoons.
Still they are coming, a witherin’ hatred.
Nay carved a shield beyond reckon
No pendant or ward repels the advance
Ne surrender is offered & none will be given
We join arms, lower our heads, keep eyes upon them,
their line is crimson, then black
B’nighted, a shufflin horde right ‘pon oor main,
a clang of metal n flaish shorn asunder,
we stood strung ayn solid buoy
You did wonder ifn I tells it fair and flush, I does
Child, I do.
A massyv m bled out into yon crick
gore soak’d soil round here n here n thyar
everwun like ta cheer, n ta weep
‘neath ay bluddy full woolf moon
bay a dismal niche.
We ladled clain watersh n ate smoke faysh
scorchin flames n dancin merray,
scratching prayers inta tin foil,
reciten poems (pomez), sungs bye d scuore.
Scatterin survivors fled in pickups
Or by train. The choppers hunted stragglers
up ravines n th’ Column.
Seamstresses staid t stitch a history,
but tis us who knows wha happen’d, sure.
You child.
Our axes a bone an hair
Hung on a wall yonder, amidst trophies
Ar foinest heirlooms, b’God, see m?
Woven ena tartan ew don aych marnin
‘s a message you wull carry t kith and tew kin,
A warnin to any who betray their clan folk
Nstead to chase fame, bluster n gin.
Gold, dat sairpnt
it shines n silver,
sparklay emeralds and busy numbers
snaky payper n deeds. Yes
Some will not bow nor borrow, nor sway like reeds.
We plot grain seeds in th’ beds naow dry and dreamy
with harvests watersh we feed m a trickle then
a flood
The shoots swell to the sky
then oor mad prophat he howels out for rivets
to fall n fly upon the beast of arrows
to strip m o all her waste o gran’ fortunes,
to bury m in comeuppance of measures
stoneless, toomluss
To end m for good
to end m wi brute pleasure
Together we waves o warrior human
to sing m away for-e’er n a day
a day a heroes n tales adorned
w smears o rosy paint on oor torn glad visage
Zuccotti [Photo by Chris Borrok (2019)]