Remember when the world was supposed to end, one year ago? The Novads celebrated that non-event/conjecture with a momentous project, celebrating revolution against systemic time-based Terror regimes. NovadZINE EotW, Vol.ø, No. One was the beautiful result. I created the 96 gorgeous color plates for the book, featuring a phenomenal mix of Novadic arts and culture by many beloved contributors from the convergent circles of original OWS A+C, OwA, AFH, RevGamerz, Novads & Magic Mountain. It was and is truly a labor of love and wonder. Preview the zine at ISSUU HERE or check out the plates HERE on Facebook.
Now we are ready to start phase 2 of the production, which entails dispersion of the EotW ZINE across the globe. Of course, the Novads will have a party to mark the occasion of the first five full (5) copies [Artist Proof(s)] of the ZINE manifesting in real life [IRL]. The gathering will be hosted by 1067 Pacific People. Details below.
1067 PacificPeople present
TESTING TESTING 1,2,3: EndoftheWorld speech acts
Saturday, December 21
SIGN IN 3:32pm STARTS 4:32pm
@1067 Pacific Street, Brooklyn
In “TESTING TESTING 1 2 3: EndoftheWorld speech acts” artist Andrea Haenggi and writer Robert Neuwirth invite people to get together for an open mic on the solstice transformation of nothingness to sense the pleasure of communicating in a quest for gestures, movement, and encounters. We will break after approximately 20 minutes of the speech acts for a 20 minute partay to dance to eat to celebrate the release of our dear friends DEVIATE ZINE “End of the World Edition no. ONE, Vol.ø “, produced by the Novad anarchist art collective. Then we return to more speech acts before we go back to again to the DEVIATE ZINE “End of the World” Release Partay.
WANT TO PERFORM? This Open Mic has two micro rules that can start now -- just email Andrea at and you can be part of the line-up and or sign-in at the day of the event at 3:32 pm
1. Any speech act goes (dance speech, talk speech, music speech...) so long you start with a test phrase to check the mic for its frequency response.
2. End of the world speech acts can not be longer then 3 minutes
For “TESTING TESTING 1-2-3: EndoftheWorld speech acts” we encourage all participants and audience members to come on the solstice switch time (4:32 pm is sunset on the year’s shortest day) to be together in this nihilist-style approach. It will be mostly outdoors so please dress warm. The more people, the more we can warm up by being close to each other! Bring all your friends so we can pack the 2000 square foot outdoor space.
The Event is free, but please bring some food, drinks and anything that goes to share with others.
Join us at Scenic Superfical Garage Resort @1067 Pacific Street, Brooklyn,
1067 PacificPeople
Twitter: @1067PacificPeop
ABOUT: 1067 PacificPeople Installation/Performance research field work
SCENIC SUPERFICIAL GARAGE RESORT gets built on: “The desire to be touched by something. Untouched. Desert. Urban Desert. Landscape Touched. Architecture Touched. People Touched. Altered. Human interference. Desertification. Desire expresses movement. Movement expresses Desire. Movement includes the missing. The failed communication. Desire to express the failed communication. Desire to Produce Affections and Sensations to address the uneasy sense of dislocation and detachment that hangs in the air.”