Audio and assemblage for me are intertwined. Sound is 4D+ phenomenal, dynamic, multivalent and among other characteristics, layered or faceted. In complex 4D+ environments, sound or audio acts as a binder for all other elements contained in the scenario. Assemblage is practical, and as such defines the means by which sound figures into the 4D+ sensational topography. Right now, I hear a siren outside, the air conditioning inside my loft. Other vibrations are muffled but present. A dog barks. It's after midnight Tuesday and few cars pass on the wet streets below our window. From time to time, my wife and son stir in their sleep and produce sounds peculiar to their dream-states. Other sorts of unidentifiable noise are perceptible, coming from the apartments above, below and on either side of ours. Periodically, someone walks down the hallway outside our door, with or without his/her dog.